Thursday, December 07, 2006

Tyler Carson

Tyler Carson was born on Friday, Dec 1 at 11:20 pm. He weighed in at 8 pounds and measured 21 3/4 inches. We were surprised by how much he weighed because he looked tiny! Of course we are used to looking at and holding a boy who weighs almost 30 pounds! We went to the hospital around 3pm because I was going to be induced on Saturday morning. They gave me some medicine that is supposed to soften the cervix then in the morning they were going to give me the Pitocin. The medicine took effect immediately when they gave it which was about 5pm. The contractions didn't come really painful until about 9pm which was when I measured 4 cm. Then 2 hours later, Tyler decided it was finally time to come!! It sounds so short now but at the time I thought it was much longer than that. I did not want to be in the hospital longer than I had to so they told me I had to at least stay until the baby was 24 hours old for some bloodwork. So Wilmer took us home at 11:45 pm Saturday night. I slept much better home in my own bed. Tyler is a great baby just like Aaron was. He sleeps about 4 hours at a time at night. During the day we don't have a set time for feeding yet but he does well at night. I was afraid he wouldn't want to sleep at night because when I was carrying him, that was his favorite time to do aerobics-the whole night! Aaron loves him and loves to give him hugs and kisses. Everytime some music comes on, Aaron wants Tyler to dance with him! So far, he has been pretty good about all the changes in his life- so we will see! The picture at the top is a link to the web album for more pictures. I have also added pics of Aaron when he was a baby because they look a lot alike! In fact, Tyler looks more like Aaron than he does Daddy or Mommy- which sounds funny but its true.