The boys are getting so big! Click on the picture for more pics from the web album. Aaron loves his brother most of the time like when the camera comes out! He loves to play outside. I am so thankful for the nice weather now so we can get out. Because we only have the truck, if we want to go anywhere, we walk. So now we are able to go places within walking distance anyway. There is a playground close that we can go to. Aaron's friend, Brandon, comes over to play with him and he and his mom go for walks with us also.
Tyler is almost 6 months! I can't believe it already! He sits up now just fine and is able to get on all fours and go forward. I don't know that I would call it crawling but he is up and can go pretty fast., especially when he sees something he really wants (but can't have!). He eats cereal every night and has started baby food also. He has had bananas, carrots, and pears. He is progressing quite fast with everything except the sleeping. He doesn't like having a schedule. Usually he doesn't do anything at the same time as he did the day before, no matter how hard I try. I never know if he is going to take 2 naps, 3 naps or just a few catnaps or just one! And sleep thru the night? No way, can't let anyone in the house have one night of sleep uninterrupted!. He doesn't sleep in our room anymore but that isn't helping any. This kid just doesn't like to sleep. He will wake up at 2am just talking away and then if no one is there to listen (like we can't hear him anyway) he has to cry to make someone come. Then he is fine. It is quite frustrating but I know it will pass someday!