Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Jordan Cameron Caballero

Jordan Cameron Caballero was born Nov 8 at 7:06am. He weighed in at 7 lbs 9 oz and measured 20 1/2 inches. Because he kept on turning breech, the dr decided that we should turn him into position and then induce labor to lower the chance I would have to have a Csection. So Friday at 10am we went into the hospital. My sister, Heather, was with us. They did an ultrasound which showed that he had turned into the proper position. So they started by putting a pill on the cervix that would begin the labor. By 5pm, I had some contractions but not much progress was being made so they broke my water. I was sure that would work but no, so they started the Pitocin drip which I had fought against but had no choice now. That really started active labor but the baby didn't like it. Every time I started to get into hard labor the baby's heart rate went down and they dropped the amount of Pitocin, which pulled me back out of labor again. It was awful! He just really did not want to come out!! All through the night, he played these games. I was so tired and just wanted it to be over. Then my body decided to betray me and not dilate forever!! I was so scared that I was going to have to have surgery. Finally, after all night of labor, I was told I could push. I was so glad because with my other boys, once I could push, the pain lessened and it was over. However, the first push I thought I was going to die from being torn in half!! I didn't tear of course but the pain was SO intense, I can't even describe it. So now that made me scared to push anymore. But those of you that have been thru it know that when the urge to push is there it is very difficult to fight against. Anyway, finally he was out and it was all over, thank God! He was not happy to be here. He cried for a good half hour straight (very loudly!!). But since then has not really cried at all. He seems to be very content now so far.

My parents brought the boys in around lunchtime to see their baby brother. Aaron would not get up on the bed- he really doesn't like hospital beds for some reason- so he sat with Daddy so he could hold the baby. Tyler climbed up next to me to hold him next. They loved him and wanted to see all his hands and feet and all. Then it was time to leave and Aaron wanted to take the baby home. He didn't care if Mommy stayed but he wanted the baby to come! =)

Sunday, after church, Wilmer came to pick us up and take us home. He didn't tell the boys so they could be surprised. Jordan was very good and just slept all the way home. He didn't care about being in the car seat at all. We walked in the door at home and the boys were so excited. They had to hold him over and over. Even now, 3 days later, the newness has not worn off yet. They both still love to hold him (although Tyler likes it more than Aaron now). If he makes noises, Aaron runs over to see what is wrong and what he can do to make it better! They haven't really heard him cry yet so we will see what they do when he gets his lungs working!

We are starting to adjust. Mostly, it is just me trying to figure out some kind of schedule but he eats so sporadically still that it is hard. Having 3 instead of 2 is really not that different. I think it was harder to bring Tyler home and adjust than it is with Jordan. Although I keep calling the baby Tyler! I don't know why. So enjoy the pictures and we will keep everyone updated with all the new developments to come!


Ok I said I would post a pic of them dressed up so here it is.