Monday, October 09, 2006

Stokoe Farm

Stokoe Farm
Sep 30, 2006 - 29 Photos

Click on the pic above to see all the pictures in the album. We took Aaron to a farm near us that is like a family fun place. There are a few animals but mostly activities and food. Wilmer and Aaron are featured in most of the pics because I would rather be behind the camera at the moment. This pic was inside one of their hay tunnel/mazes. I didn't think Aaron would like going inside the haystack but he did fine. There were a few different slides. One was made out of a huge black plastic pipe and it was pretty cool. You could get going really fast and it was quite a long slide. They had pumpkins for sale and Aaron helped us to pick out one but it was too big for him to carry so we had to get another that was smaller. He really wanted to carry one! It was a fun place except for being pretty breezy and chilly. They also feature a Christmas theme in December. They raise reindeer so in Nov they have Santa Claus skydive in to "check his reindeer". Then they have Christmas trees that you can ride the wagon and go cut them down. We won't be doing any of it for a few years probably because I don't want a real tree until the kids are old enough to appreciate it and help pick it out.

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