Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Last of the Remodelling Finished!

Finally all our big projects are done except for the driveway, which we will only do if we have time and money before selling. One weekend we ripped off the old ugly orange carpet on the stairs and upstairs hallway and replaced it. The new carpet is the same as the rest of the house but we have a whole roll we have to use up. Then the following weekend we decided to do the kitchen floor. We thought we would just rip up the old stuff and put down new linoleum in one afternoon. Yeah right! We started to scrape off the old stuff and could only get the top part off. That took until late Friday night.
Saturday, we had other plans so we weren't able to work on it until nighttime. But we now had to get off the glue part of the old linoleum. Wilmer looked online to see if anyone had any helpful info and one guy said he used boiling water. So we boiled water and poured it in puddles on the floor. After letting it soak we scraped up the residue. It worked very well! So by late Saturday night we had it all off. Underneath was probably the original floor of checked tiles but we weren't about to start tearing that off. It was all nice and smooth so it was fine anyway.
Sunday, we went to Henrietta to pick out some linoleum from a floor place so they could give us good advice. We ended up spending a little more than we planned but we got what they call floating floor. It is thicker linoleum that you don't have to tape or glue. You cut it and place it where it goes. So by Sunday night, Wilmer had it all completed! It looks so nice and bright in my kitchen now! To see the pictures of this- go to http://picasaweb.google.com/wilmer.caballero
Then click on Aaron-Tyler-New Remodelling album and go to the end of it.

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