Thursday, July 19, 2007

Family Update

Tyler- Monthly Photos
Tyler is almost 8 months! I can't believe how time is flying by. He is intent on learning to walk. He will stand for a few minutes alone and he walks with a push walker. He loves being able to be do more with Aaron and Daddy. He has 6 teeth now and loves to use them. He is still not sleeping thru the night consistently. The past 2 nights he has slept until about 5am. So maybe he is finally starting to realize that Mommy needs sleep too! =) He is so mobile but not really interested in vocabulary yet. I try to get him to say mama or dada and he just starts to giggle. Then Aaron joins in the giggling and it's hopeless to get him to say anything! Tyler loves swimming. The temp of the water doesn't matter he just wants to be in the water.

Aaron is getting big too. I can't believe how much he can do and understand now. His vocabulary is just so extensive now and those of you who think he is quiet...yeah I don't think so! He plays with his brother only if no one else is around. When someone else is here he has to show off by beating up on him. For the most part, he's pretty good except for the terrible two thing! =) As for swimming, he's like his daddy, water has to be just right! But he would prefer to swim where he can touch the bottom.

My mom, Heather, and I went to Wisconsin in June to a reunion for our school from Papua New Guinea. (To see pics of the reunion and mumu go to my sister's website.) We camped out in a tent for 2 nights. We also travelled the 13 hours during the night so the boys would sleep. It was quite the adventure. And the nights were FREEZING!!! So it was nice to get home so we could actually get some sleep. The boys were pretty good travelling for that long. I was surprised but thankful.

Click on the pic above to go to the web album to see some new pics of Aaron and Tyler.

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