Thursday, September 18, 2008


To see the pictures of the airshow click here

We went to the airshow here in July. Usually we park at RIT (the college) then ride the shuttle buses to the airport. This year, they were using school buses as shuttles. Aaron was so excited because he has been wanting to ride a school bus ever since he learned what they were. But Daddy and Mommy weren't so excited. School buses do not have a place for strollers and chairs and all the extra junk we have to bring. So Daddy ended up in one seat with all the stuff and the boys and I were in another seat. The day turned out to be very nice and sunny, but not too hot or humid. We walked around and looked at all the planes on the ground. We could walk thru some of them, like the big cargo planes, FED EX plane, and some other big ones. Others we could just look at or stand next to. They had helicopters- army and medical, and other military vehicles as well. We saw parachuters, which Aaron thought was pretty cool, and some small plane demonstrations.
Then the big event- the Thunderbirds. They always do them at the end of course. Tyler was awake the entire day until right before the Thunderbirds started flying then fell asleep! I don't know how he could sleep as they are not very quiet but he was exhausted. I had just laid him in the stroller because my arms were falling asleep when one of the planes flew directly over the crowd ( a "surprise attack" that most people don't see coming so it scares you). Tyler opened his eyes, sat straight up for a second then laid back down sound asleep! It was so funny! Then after they were all finished, we took Aaron on the moonwalk thing that the kids can jump on. Then Tyler woke up unfortunately too early! I was hoping he would sleep at least until we got back on the bus.
I took Tyler and went to stand in line (which was hours long) to get back on the bus. Wilmer and Aaron went around to look at some more planes. Our line turned out to be shorter than the other one for the other school- ours took about an hour or so before we were on the bus. Aaron fell asleep on the way home and we brought him inside. It was only 5:30 so I let him sleep about an hour then tried to wake him up. It was impossible. He was so worn out! He slept until 4am then got up and came to our room, Tyler following behind. I had not been sleeping well either so now we are all awake at 4am on Monday morning! Let me tell you, that Monday was NOT a good day and we all went to bed early.

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