Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Baby Update

This baby has given us more "grief" than the other 2. Aaron was the easiest pregnancy and absolutely no problems or extra ultrasounds or anything. He came 2 weeks early so nicely and easily. Tyler was fine except for moving all the time, until the end. Then he decided he was a tumbler and began to turn somersaults in my belly about 4 weeks before he was due. Every week I was in for an ultrasound and they were concerned about him being born breech because he would not stay head down. They ended up inducing me with him and everything went fine.

Now this baby... early on I had the placenta bleeding and the midnight trip to the ER for that. Since the first moment I felt it move, it hasn't stopped. I think it moves the majority of the time so I am afraid it will not be a good sleeper!! It can't just relax. But I was happy that it was head down...until last week at the dr appt. 37 weeks and it decided to turn around and stand up. So Monday we had to go to the hospital to get it checked again and a possible "version", which is where they attempt to turn the baby back down. Thank God, it turned by itself so we could go home. However, how I have to wear a binder which is just a wide elastic "belt" around the upper part of my belly. It is SO comfortable .. oh just kidding. Actually it makes it hard to breathe, eat, sleep, oh but I should be used to that by now with this kid! So now I have another reason that I am praying this baby comes very soon! I have 2 weeks left but am willing to go anytime! Check back in for the BIG news and pics which we will get up as soon as we can after the event!

Fall Activities

Bike Riding and Fall Activities

Click on the picture to see pics and videos.

Wilmer took the training wheels off Aaron's bicycle. He spent an hour or so just helping him ride around the yard. The following day I helped him for about an hour and he could ride across the front yard which isn't that large. Then Saturday morning, he wanted to ride around the block! So Wilmer rode his bike and Aaron rode his and he has been riding ever since! I can not believe he is already riding like a big boy. He is growing so fast! He even talks older now- it's scary. Now he always wants to be out riding on his bike. I found a bike trailer on craigslist brand new, that we can hook onto the big bike and I can pull Tyler around while Aaron rides his bike. Of course, now I find it very hard to ride with my huge belly! =) So we haven't been riding in a while but Wilmer takes them out after work if its not too cold.

As you can see in the pictures, we got little pumpkins for the boys. We went to a pumpkin farm and they each chose one that they wanted. Tyler HAD to carry his own of course- Mr Independent. Then we came home and I took off the "hats" and the boys cleaned them out. Daddy helped them carve faces and we put little tea lights inside. The following day I let them finger paint their pumpkins so they had fun with that. Then a week later we threw them out because they were rotting already and were well played with! =)

Last weekend we went to Strong Museum. I was hoping all the activity would kickstart this baby but no such luck. They had a new Curious George exhibit and that is the boys absolute favorite TV show. Daddy also took them both on the little train ride, which was Tyler's first time that he remembered. They also had the kids decorate little brown bags to collect different goodies and candy being passed out throughout the museum by different characters.

This Friday night if it is not too cold, we might be taking them out trick-or-treating. I'm not really into all that stuff but since Mom had some outfits for them to wear I thought we might try it just one year. I do not get into all the other Halloween things and I don't tell the boys anything about it. I don't really consider it a holiday so I am not going to teach my boys silly things about it. I will post a picture here of them in their outfits. They are pretty cute!!