Thursday, December 07, 2006

Tyler Carson

Tyler Carson was born on Friday, Dec 1 at 11:20 pm. He weighed in at 8 pounds and measured 21 3/4 inches. We were surprised by how much he weighed because he looked tiny! Of course we are used to looking at and holding a boy who weighs almost 30 pounds! We went to the hospital around 3pm because I was going to be induced on Saturday morning. They gave me some medicine that is supposed to soften the cervix then in the morning they were going to give me the Pitocin. The medicine took effect immediately when they gave it which was about 5pm. The contractions didn't come really painful until about 9pm which was when I measured 4 cm. Then 2 hours later, Tyler decided it was finally time to come!! It sounds so short now but at the time I thought it was much longer than that. I did not want to be in the hospital longer than I had to so they told me I had to at least stay until the baby was 24 hours old for some bloodwork. So Wilmer took us home at 11:45 pm Saturday night. I slept much better home in my own bed. Tyler is a great baby just like Aaron was. He sleeps about 4 hours at a time at night. During the day we don't have a set time for feeding yet but he does well at night. I was afraid he wouldn't want to sleep at night because when I was carrying him, that was his favorite time to do aerobics-the whole night! Aaron loves him and loves to give him hugs and kisses. Everytime some music comes on, Aaron wants Tyler to dance with him! So far, he has been pretty good about all the changes in his life- so we will see! The picture at the top is a link to the web album for more pictures. I have also added pics of Aaron when he was a baby because they look a lot alike! In fact, Tyler looks more like Aaron than he does Daddy or Mommy- which sounds funny but its true.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Baby update

For those of you who are wondering what is going on with the new baby.. everything is going well. This pregnancy is much different than Aaron was but I guess they are never the same anyway. The doctor says that this baby will not be huge so that is good news! She says probably under 8 lbs if she had to guess. However, the baby seems huge because it NEVER stops moving! Literally, my stomach seems to be moving around all the time. We took our last trip to PA this past weekend until after the baby is born. Now we just have to finish the house and we are ready. I have some predictions from some people about what date they think the baby will be born. Some, I agree- others- please NO not that day-ex Thanksgiving or any day after)! =) Thank you all for your prayers for us and the work on our house.

Remodeling continues...

Another week of working on the room and with lots of help, we are ready to paint! Both of our fathers were here last week helping us put up the final drywall, redo the electric and put in new recessed lighting. If you visit our online album you will see the new lights and much of the work we were able to finish. This picture is not linked to the album so click on the picture from the previous post. Aaron has been a really good helper adn really doesn't get into too much that he shouldn't. He picks up everything off the floor and usually wants to throw it away but sometimes he asks and then I tell him where it goes. If the ladder is set up, he is on that so fast! He loves to climb it esp if someone else is standing on it too. He enjoyes having his grandparents here too- a little show off is what he is! Last night, Wilmer was able to put the first coat of primer on the main part of the living room and on the hallway by the bathroom (with some help from Aaron). Our goal for the end of this weekend is to be able to start on the carpet! Stay tuned for updates and feel free to visit the online pictures anytime as I keep adding more into the remodeling album.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Remodeling Our House

2181 Westside Dr-Remodeling
Sep 15, 2006 - 12 Photos

This is our newest and continuing project- trying to finish up the remodeling of our house so we can go buy a new one that will more adequately fit our growing family! We began this right before we were married. We tore out the walls in what was to be our bedroom and put all new drywall-paint, etc. However, that has never been finished because of one thing or another. Finally- 4 years and a few tries later- we finished our bedroom. In the album you will see 2 pics of it. One is right after we finished the new carpet and baseboard trim. The other is of our new bed that we have desparately needed for 4 years now. Believe me, at 8 months pregnant, I need the most comfortable bed we could find and this bed is awesome!! Everyone that reads this should consider getting a Sleep Number bed!
The other pictures are of our living room. We decided to go ahead and try to get that finished before the baby gets here. It has always been freezing in the winter so we are hoping that with some new insulation, it will improve considerably. We began on Saturday at about 3pm to pull the old walls off. Some of the new drywall has already started to go back up. We are not close to finishing yet but will be working on it for the rest of the month. Come back and look at the album throughout the month as I will be adding pics as we continue to finish it. Hopefully we will be finished and carpeted by Thanksgiving.

Stokoe Farm

Stokoe Farm
Sep 30, 2006 - 29 Photos

Click on the pic above to see all the pictures in the album. We took Aaron to a farm near us that is like a family fun place. There are a few animals but mostly activities and food. Wilmer and Aaron are featured in most of the pics because I would rather be behind the camera at the moment. This pic was inside one of their hay tunnel/mazes. I didn't think Aaron would like going inside the haystack but he did fine. There were a few different slides. One was made out of a huge black plastic pipe and it was pretty cool. You could get going really fast and it was quite a long slide. They had pumpkins for sale and Aaron helped us to pick out one but it was too big for him to carry so we had to get another that was smaller. He really wanted to carry one! It was a fun place except for being pretty breezy and chilly. They also feature a Christmas theme in December. They raise reindeer so in Nov they have Santa Claus skydive in to "check his reindeer". Then they have Christmas trees that you can ride the wagon and go cut them down. We won't be doing any of it for a few years probably because I don't want a real tree until the kids are old enough to appreciate it and help pick it out.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Jersey Shore Beach

Jersey Shore Beach
Aug 1, 2006 - 6 Photos
Some more pics from the vacation

Monday, August 21, 2006

Beach Vacation

We went to Seaside Heights in NJ the first week of August. My parents, Heather, David and family were all there. It was extremely hot and humid but it was fun. Aaron didn't like the water until the 3rd day we were there but he really enjoyed the sand and chasing the birds. It was very interesting to see how different each of the beaches in the area were. Some were much calmer- less sand in your bathing suit- and some were warmer. At 5 months pregnant, I was only comfortable in the water or in the air condiitoning! This baby makes me hot just like Aaron did, although Aaron was a quiet baby and this one does nothing but move!! We think we might go back next year. It will be interesting because the new baby will be about 9-10 months but Hannah was only 4 months and she did fine.


June 29, 2006 Mom came up and went with us to the ultrasound. We are not finding out the sex of the baby- we like the surprise! The baby looks fine and doesn't stop moving. The technician did a 3D ultrasound also but the baby was too small to see much plus the placenta was in the way. Aaron thought the heartbeat was cool- otherwise he could care less!

Memorial Day 2006

We went to Heather & Zeb's for Memorial Day. It was also their first anniversary. Here is a picture of the whole Hale family up to this point.

First baby appointment

April 24, 2006 Our first baby appointment and the whole family went! Well, I mean Wilmer and Aaron not extended family. Things look fine and I am getting an ultrasound to make sure the due date of Nov 30 is correct.

New Addition

March 31, 2006 We found out that we are going to have an addition to our family in November. We are excited about that although I hope it's not born on the holiday. I don't care whether it is a boy or girl but I think Wilmer would like a little girl! =)

Aaron's First Birthday

Aaron loved his birthday. At first he was hesitant to touch the cake and get dirty but Mommy showed him what to do and then he went to town! He had quite a few people come over for his birthday- Puglieses + Joellen, Grandma Burrows, Uncle Marvin, Aunt Amy + family, Grandpa Caballero + family, Grandma Caballero, Aunt Deisy. The Hale side could not make it for the occasion but we took many videos and pictures. He had fun with all the kids but he was ready for it to be over when it was time.

Christmas 2005

Aaron's first Christmas! He loved every minute especially after he finally learned how to rip the paper. He didn't care about any of the presents just ripping the paper. Of course, he wanted the toy after everything was cleaned up and put away. We had Christmas at home then again at my parents' house in PA. We bought a fake tree this year because I didn't want to deal with the real thing- needles, sap- as well as keeping him away. But he was very good about not grabbing the tree.


Aaron's first trip to Seabreeze- amusement park. Here we are riding on a train. He was good all day but he didn't really like the merry-go-round. Aaron is 6 1/2 months old.

Cousin Emily and Aaron

Emily Hale is 11 months and 2 weeks older than Aaron. Hopefully they will get along great as they get older! This picture is taken at Heather's house. Aaron is 4 months old and a great baby. He sleeps well and is not whiny. People say that is God's way of making you want more kids then you get the bad ones! I hope not!

Aaron Casey

February 15, 2005 at 5:43 pm Aaron Casey Caballero was added to our family. He really takes after his paternal grandfather's side of the family. He was 7 lbs 14 ozs and 20 inches long. He didn't give his mommy a hard time and I am very thankful! The hardest part was waiting for my mom to get here from PA because I wanted her to be there. I could have had him 2 hours sooner! Wilmer was very sick and didn't have much energy although he was there the whole time with me. Grandma Burrows, Dad, Mom, Wilmer, and Stacey were all in the room with me for the birth. I went in around 10am with very mild contractions. We were expecting to come back home but I was already halfway dilated. So, everything moved very quickly and I spent most of my time in the jacuzi. The jets really helped with my back pain. That is the only pain I really remember because I couldn't ease it and someone had to keep a lot of pressure on it for me. We are very proud of our first son and completely amazed at the miracle God has given us.

Wilmer & Rachel

Wilmer and Rachel- this is where our family started. This picture was taken as our engagement photo in 2002 in Rochester NY. We were married Sept 21 at our church- Anchor Christian Church.

Don't know what I am doing

Ok, I finally have caught up with the times and have a blog- but what do I do? I will figure it out and then everyone can know what is going on in our lives...