Monday, February 18, 2008

Grace Heidi Hale

We have another addition to our extended family. My brother, David, and his wife, Melisa, just had their third child and yup.. another girl!! Lucky him in about 12 years, right?? Her name is Grace Heidi Hale. As my sister, Heather, pointed out this is an appropriate name as her start to life was a little rough for everyone. Melisa had a fall on the ice about a week before the baby was born, which triggered some contractions on and off for a couple days. Who knows if this is actually why she was born early or what but she was due Feb 21 and Grace was born Feb 7. Thru some other trials and minor problems, it finally was time for the baby to be held up and admired for the first time. But instead she was quickly transferred to the baby table under the light and more people were called in and much activity was going on. The baby was not breathing!! I was travelling down with my dad from NY at this point and Heather texted me from the hospital room and told us to pray. It was SO scary and we were all crying and praying. Fifteen minutes after she entered this world, Grace took her first breath and was finally able to be hugged and loved by her anxious mommy and daddy! Her first day she didn't really make any noise but by the end of her second day, all worries were put to rest as she showed everyone that she really does have a good set of lungs! By God's grace, our little Gracie is now doing great and being well loved by both her big sisters! Click on the pic to see more.

Grace Heidi Hale

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