Monday, February 18, 2008

New Job

I started a job working 5 hours a night for 4 nights a week. I take catalog orders over the phone. It is not the most interesting job but it makes a little extra money to pay off our bills and gets me out of the house for a little while. It also allows Wilmer and I to "switch places". Have you ever wanted your spouse to know what you go thru at your job or home all day? Well, Wilmer does phone tech support so he is on the phone the majority of the day. I stay home with the boys and deal with them all day. So from 6pm to 11pm, we "switch". I am on the phone the entire 5 hours and Wilmer is with the boys (well they sleep half that time but still..) so we get to experience "being in the other's shoes" a little bit. I think it has actually helped each of us to understand the other a little more. Now, we are thinking of the possibility of getting another car also. We have been with only one vehicle for two years but it is getting difficult esp with gas prices so expensive, to be driving the truck exclusively.

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