Friday, April 18, 2008

Another addition??

Yes there is another addition on the way. You might wonder where? I mean, we just got a nice new house that is very big! Oh maybe another rental property? Nope wrong guess- well...? Ok I will just tell you- Tyler gets to be a big brother in November! Yes we are 10 weeks pregnant and counting. We weren't going to tell Aaron until I start showing a lot more so he has something to put the information together with however, he saw the ultrasound picture we had to get done, so we told him. Now he alternates between telling us it will be a boy then a girl. But no matter what, he says Tyler will try to push the baby and sit on it so he will hold it and keep it safe! Sounds like he figured out how to be a big brother. Now too bad he won't practice on Tyler! So stay tuned for developments and remember we are the kind of people who like surprises so NO we will not be finding out the sex of the baby!

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