Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Baby update

So this little one is already causing all kinds of commotion and excitement! This is scary because Tyler was also a little stinker when he was inside and continues to be on the outside!! In the beginning of May, I was at work when I thought my water broke! Yeah, I was only 13 weeks pregnant then so that was scary- then when I saw no water- just ALOT of blood- I was really worried. To follow up that I began to have cramps and contractions by the time I got home. Luckily I only work about 10 minutes away. Wilmer called a friend from our church that lives near us to come stay with the boys and took me to the ER. This was about 10:30 at night. We got there and I got into a triage room right away where they took blood and asked a lot of questions. Then they sent us back to the waiting room to ...wait!! Of course- what else would you do in the ER!! Finally we were taken into another area where I got a bed to lay in at least and we both kinda were in and out of sleep because it was now about 1am. Finally a dr came to see me and she was actually a resident that had worked in the OB dept- thank God. She knew a little better what she was talking about. After MUCH prodding, 2 ultrasounds, an internal exam, a consult with another dr, and a few more hours- we were given a diagnosis. It was called a troubled miscarriage. The baby was fine- kicking and all- but the reason for the bleeding was that the edges of the placenta had pulled away from the wall of the uterus and curled up a little. They said it could stop or it could keep pulling away- they had no way of knowing or stopping it. So now we knew what the problem had been but could do nothing- except PRAY!! And we did and so did eveyone that we knew. I am now 16 weeks pregnant and have had no further problems! The baby is growing and kicking constantly. Luckily for me, I can't feel it yet! =) Thank all of you who prayed for us. Please continue to keep this pregnancy in your prayers- we have 5 more months to get thru!!

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