Wednesday, August 26, 2009

New "Addition"

Bike Riding 2009

We do have a new "addition" to the family. Aaron has his first dirt bike. Yes it has a motor and everything. It is a 50cc yamaha. It does come with training wheels. Yup motorized bikes have training wheels too, they just go across the middle of the bike instead of the rear wheel. You can see it in the picture. He loves to ride it and does very well now with no training wheels. Daddy takes him out to a little track he made at his cousin's house and Aaron will ride there for hours! He still rides his bicycle as well and can do that completely on his own. I can't believe how big he has gotten this summer!

Tyler likes to sit on the dirt bike but until just recently he would not come near it if the motor was on. Now at the end of the summer he is starting to want to ride it some himself... well with Daddy on it but he has the controls. He has a tricycle that he does well on but he really wants to ride a big bicycle like Aaron now. He has gotten very big as well and extremely independent. I can't believe he is only 2 still!

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