Wednesday, August 26, 2009


We found out in July that we are expecting another family member! I guess God thinks we need one more challenge in our lives! The baby is due February 6 but I am hoping this one might come on its own and early! We have many family and friends whose birthday is in February so it would be nice to spread it out a little by being in January! But we will see. As to what gender would we prefer? Honestly it does not matter. Another boy would be fine as we already have "boy stuff" down but a girl would be fine as well for a different challenge. We will keep you all updated as we go along. I am about 17 weeks now so almost halfway already! That is the nice thing about finding out later rather than at 4-5 weeks. So far it has been a great pregnancy. I didn't even know I was so I had no symptoms other than being tired but try chasing 3 high energy boys and tell me you are not tired!! So far this pregnancy has been very similar to Aaron's so maybe this will be a calm good baby! =)

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