Friday, December 14, 2007

Kid Update

Aaron is almost 3~I can't believe it! He talks up a storm and I can't believe the conversations he comes up with. They are actually understandable and make sense. He can remember certain conversations he hears and repeat them pretty well. (Which isn't always good, I guess.) He can say his whole name, spell his first name, and recognize it written out. He can say his ABCs and identify all the letters individually. He can count to ten and sometimes to 20. He knows his colors- even some of the different ones like gray and pink. I am teaching him the meaning of some road signs and of traffic lights. He loves to learn. He has a little desk now and likes to draw and color in his books on it. He plays with his brother sometimes but usually if I am watching or near- he is mean to him. If they are upstairs in their room or something, he is a lot nicer. I have no idea what makes the difference but whatever, as long as they are not fighting! I don't know how my mom did it with 4 kids fighting all the time-it's frustrating! Aaron still loves to help Daddy do anything and everything. He is getting better at bedtime now that the boys share a room. At the old house, he always said he was scared but here he hasn't said that at all. They are a lot better than I thought they would be with sharing a room. Sometimes there is a problem of waking each other up but not often. (Usually when Mommy REALLY wants just a little more sleep!) Aaron still loves his cars, trucks, and balls. He loves to line them up all over. He has a lot so it makes a REALLY long line!

Tyler is a year now. In the slideshow you will see some pics of his birthday. We just had a few people over to help celebrate. He wasn't sure what to do with the candle so he just grabbed the flame. The look on his face was so funny! He didn't dig in and get messy like I thought he would. (Now if I had made the cake out of dirt and mud-I'm sure it would be a different story!) He did have a small piece of cake which he enjoyed though. You will see pics of carving pumpkins. Tyler liked his first pumpkin- he thought it tasted great and those seeds? He wanted to eat all of them. Yuck! He still doesn't talk- I think he could if he wanted to but he's content with learning every form of motion in the world other than moving his mouth and tongue! He climbs everywhere and wants to do everything Aaron and Daddy do. He has all but 4 of his teeth and is almost off the bottle completely. He has a sippy cup most of the time. He stopped baby food a while ago because he only wants what we eat not mushy stuff! He loves music and dancing. I took him outside yesterday for the first time in the snow. I will add those pics later. That was fun- he enjoyed trying to sweep the driveway most of the time. That is his favorite toy- if you get out the broom expect him to be there. He prefers the big broom to the little dust broom though!

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