Thursday, December 13, 2007


October 15, 2007
Yes, we moved into our new house. If you go to our online web album the pics are there for Evergreen Dr. We bought this house earlier this year thinking about flipping it, then the economy for selling real estate went horribly bad so we could not sell it as quickly as we hoped. So we decided to sell our old house and move into the bigger one as the other was getting pretty tight for us. A bunch of guys from church came and helped us move since Wilmer's arm was in a sling and I can't move couches and all that by myself. It was great- about 10-12 people came and we were moved within 1-1 1/2 hrs. They were so helpful and thank God for our friends and church family. Our old house has not sold yet though, so please be praying with us on that. We cannot afford 2 mortgages so one needs to go or be rented or something. But we do love our new house, esp the extra room and fireplace!

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