Thursday, December 13, 2007

Miles Mountain Motocross Track

Miles Mountain 10-6-07

Saturday, October 6, 2007
There is a motocross track that one of Wilmer's friends showed him just over the border into PA off Rt15. So we went there so he could ride. The plan was for me and the kids to meet my mom at the track and go home with her so I could help with the prep for Stacey's wedding only a week away. Then Wilmer would come down for the wedding. Mom and Stacey weren't coming until early afternoon so the boys and I watched Daddy and our friend, Mike, ride. I was taking pics and videos of them. They were actually both riding pretty good. I was surprised how well Wilmer was doing because he hasn't ridden in quite a while and he was also on a new bike which was a lot different than his old one. Aaron and Tyler were having fun and it was a gorgeous day, nice and warm, so I didn't have to worry about cold and miserableness! Then Mom and Stacey got there and decided to watch for a little while so I could get some good pics and movies without trying to watch the boys too. The practice ended at 4pm so the last time out was for everyone- good and bad riders- usually it is split between the Expert and Amateur class (class A) and the Novice and Beginner class (class B). Wilmer and Mike said- ok we will go out this last time together and then pack up and go home. Mom, Stacey, and I stayed and watched for a little while then decided to leave for Jersey Shore before they were finished. About 20 minutes after leaving, I got a call from Wilmer. "Can you come back? I had an accident and hurt my shoulder again!" Apparently Wilmer left the ground to do a jump and another rider stupidly stopped and pulled over right where he was going to land. Once you're in the air you can't really control much about moving over from where you planned on landing. So he landed pretty much on the other guy (who walked away with no apparent injuries) and separated his AC joint in his shoulder for the 2nd time on that side. He had separated it about 10 years ago snowboarding. This time was much worse. It really sticks out but now it matches his other shoulder which he separated the AC joint about 7 years ago while racing his bike. So I ended up staying home with him for the week then we went down to PA on Thurs to help as much as we could. The first week he was in quite a bit of pain but after that, he healed up pretty quick and didn't need the sling after the 2nd week. So we thank God that he didn't get hurt any worse than that and that it healed quickly as we were in the middle of moving as well.

1 comment:

Zellers said...

You should add something about the only 2 times Stacey has watched him on the track were the 2 times he wrecked. :)