Wednesday, May 28, 2008



Wilmer was a groomsman in our friends' wedding in April. That is where this picture was taken. When I bought my dress I had no idea what color the girls would be wearing but it was just a little darker than Wilmer's vest so we matched! =)

Aaron is almost 3 1/2 but he acts so much older sometimes. The things he says or how he says them- you wonder where he picked up that and does he really know what it means! I mean, he just sounds so grown up with his talking now. It's too bad he's not old enough to go to preschool this year. He is dying to go to school. Everytime he sees a bus he says soon he'll be 5 and can go to school on the bus and learn lots of things! He is writing his name now- fairly legible. It takes about 2 lines to write 5 letters but at least he knows what they look like. I am so proud of him and his desire to learn. He is very smart and picks up on everything. He is quite the eavesdropper as well! =) He is pretty much potty trained and has been for some time now. He wears underwear even to bed and usually does pretty good.

Tyler- 18 month old, blue-eyed crazy child! He is NEVER still, even at night, he is kicking the bars in his crib as he turns over. He is much more outgoing and friendly than Aaron but he also does not mind if he wanders away and can't see us anymore, which is scary for me. This past month he finally started talking and it's like he just can't get enough. He has to try to say everything. He doesn't want to just say dada and mama, he wants to know the word for everything so he can say it. He feeds himself and tries to dress himself already. He is beginning to show interest in the potty more so hopefully we can start that soon and it will be successful so I will only have 1 in diapers in Novemeber. He climbs out of his crib so there is no containing him anymore. Nor is there any more sleeping if he isn't!!! =( Poor me! He really wants to sleep in a bed like Aaron's but I don't know if he will actually get any sleep. Not that he stays in his crib anyway though. We have to keep the front screen door locked cuz he will just go right out and play outside and I'll be looking for him all over! He's such a little stinker! Then he'll look at you with such an innocent little expression as if he never does anything! Ha- don't let him fool ya!
We were able to take David, Melisa and the girls to Strong Museum to see it. The girls really enjoyed everything. There are a few pictures with them. Next time we will be dragging Grandpa and Grandma along!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your youngest sounds just like our youngest, Sam. : )He is active, stubborn, and fearless. We had to put him in a toddler bed at 18 months because he was trying to climb out of his crib. : ) We put a baby gate in front of the bedroom door after the boys are asleep. He can knock it down, but it makes such a loud noise that it wakes us up. Before we thought to put the gate up, he got up one morning and was so quiet that he got into the fridge and played in the butter, etc. Daddy was not happy! ; )It is amazing how different siblings can be, isn't it!